Societas Sanctae Crucis
The Society of the Holy Cross (SSC from the Latin Societas Sanctae Crucis). We are a congregation of priests in the Anglican Church who live and minister under a Common Rule of Life.
There are over 1,000 members around the world, mainly in the UK and North America. Our members work in parishes, missions, chaplaincies, schools and other areas of pastoral ministry. They are committed to witnessing to the Cross of Christ by their lives and ministry. The Society has a number of members here in Australasia.
The Society of the Holy Cross (SSC) was founded in London in 1855 by a small group of Anglo-Catholic priests led by Father Charles Lowder.
At a time when the Catholic Revival in the Church of England was threatened by persecution and misunderstanding. A group of priests came together for support, mutual prayer and encouragement. Fr Lowder spelled out the objects of SSC: "To defend and strengthen the spiritual life of the clergy, to defend the faith of the Church, and to carry on and aid Mission work both at home and abroad".
The members of this society, meeting together in prayer and conference, were deeply impressed with the evils existing in the Church, and saw also, in the remedies adopted by St Vincent de Paul, the hope of lessening them.
Society of the Holy Cross
Priests of the Society live under a common Rule of Life, and meet together in their local SSC Chapters every month or two for prayer, Mass, and some kind of study or conversation. Presiding over the Society worldwide is a Master-General who has a special responsibility to ensure an on-going fidelity among the Brethren to the spirit of the Society.
SSC is not a devotional guild, but takes its stance upon a shared vision of : “a disciplined priestly life fashioned after a definite spiritual rule". This Rule of Life unites the Brethren in our various priestly ministries and lives. We are required to: ‘consider our obligation to the Society as a close spiritual bond - and takes precedence to that of any other voluntary society.’
This obligation includes a commitment to attend local SSC Chapter meetings and annual Regional and Provincial Synods. The life of the Society is experienced primarily through the local Chapter. Attendance at Chapter is of obligation unless prevented by genuine pastoral duties.
Priests of the Society are recognized by the small gold lapel cross they generally wear. On it is inscribed the motto of the Society - in hoc signo vinces - in this sign, conquer!
In Hoc Signo Vinces
In this Sign Conquer
Friday of the Twenty-second week in Ordinary Time
"While the bridegroom is with them"
Saint Augustine (354-430), Bishop of Hippo (North Africa) and Doctor of the Church
Homilies on the First Epistle of Saint John, I, 2 (©Augustinian heritage institute; SC 75, p. 115)
“We have seen,” he says, “and we are witnesses.” Where did they see? In a manifestation. What does that mean, "in a manifestation"? In the sun -that is, in this light. But how could he who made the sun be seen in the sun if not for the fact that “he pitched his tent in the sun and, like a bridegroom coming forth from his marriage bed, rejoiced like a giant to run his course” (Ps 19:4-5)? He who made the sun was before the sun, he was before the morning star, before all the stars, before all the angels. He is the true creator, because “everything was made through him, and apart from him nothing was made” (Jn 1,3). Thus he would be seen by the fleshly eyes that see the sun. He pitched his tent itself in the sun-that is, he showed his flesh in the manifestation of this light. And the marriage bed of that bridegroom was the Virgin's womb.
For in that virginal womb two things were joined, a bridegroom and a bride, the bridegroom being the Word and the bride being flesh. For it is written, “And they shall be two in one flesh” (Gn 2:24 Vg), and the Lord says in the gospel, “Therefore they are no longer two but one flesh” (Mt 19:6). Isaiah also notes very well that these two are themselves one, for he speaks in the person of Christ and says, “He set a wreath upon me like a bridegroom, and like a bride he adorned me with an ornament” (Is 61:10). One person appears to be speaking, and he has made himself a bridegroom and has made himself a bride, because they aren't two but one flesh, for “the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us,” (Jn 1:14) The Church is joined to that flesh, and Christ becomes the whole, head and body (Eph 1:22).